Dinba Music 8th Album“ Raskis bondu “ was released in West park restaurant 2012.Chief Guest I.Ashif ( TV Mondhu).Album recorded with various artists,Shiuz Adhuham,Anya, Unoosha, Faya, Zara, Ibbe, Muadh,Haisham,Fahthu,Haifa and all the staff ’s Ahmed Fahudh studio.Special thanks to West park restaurant Manager Shiyam , Shiuz & Halymbe ( DJ Halym ) for the help provided during the event. And Thanks to Andhey ( Dhi prints for the CD printing ).
Dinba Music Thanks to , Mako, Nimal, Altho, Maizan Ahko, Appi, Amir (Hiyani Band), Affan, Faya, Dhunfini (Mufassir) & Dj Vifak for contributing their songs.
- Copyrights of the song “Maruhaba” Own by Mako ,Nimal & Altho.
- Copyrights of the song “KalhuAndiri” Own by Akko.
- Copyrights of the song “Faiymini” Own by Appi.
- Copyrights of the song “Ere” Own by Amir (Hiyani Band).
- Copyrights of the song “Aadhey” Own by Affan.
- Copyrights of the song “Dharifulhaa” “Gaumee Salam “Own by Faya.
- Copyrights of the song “Huskaaf” Own by Dhunfini (Mufassir).
- Copyrights of the song “Verinthah” Own by Dj Vifak.
Cover art by Aima.
Song Rakis Bondu : Music compose by ishaantay, Rhythm Guitar by Muadh- Vocals by Muadh, Zara , Haisham & Shiuz.
Song Geri Laobi : Music compose by ishaantay & Ibbe , Drums ishaantay & Ibbe -keys ,Rhythm,Lead & Bass by Ishaantay & ibbe vocals by Anya & Muadh
Song Mashah: Music compose by ishaantay & Ibbe , Drums & keys Ibbe, Bass Adhuham , rhythm Muadh,Lead Appi vocals by Unoosha & Haisham
Song Eh Kale rey : Music compose by ishaantay, Shiuz, Ibbe & Adhuham , Drums Mannu , Bodu Beru & keys ibbe,Bass Adhuham ,Rhythm muadh,lead Thu, Slide guitar Appi Vocal by Haifa,Shiuz & Adhuham .
Song Aneh loabi : Music compose by Faya, Vocals Fahthu , Song melody by ishaantay
Song Tisdhathi Kamana : Music compose by Muadh,Ishaantay & Faya, drums – percussion & Lead By Faya, guitar by Muadh ( And the song recorded by Faya in Captital radio, Lyrics by Muadh & ishaantay ).
All the Songs were recorded in Home studio ( G.Kasmeeruge ) & Ahmed Fahudh Studio.
All the songs music arrangement & lyrics by ishaantay.( Tisdhathi kamana & Aneh loabi music arrangement Faya )
Produce by ishaantay, Faya & Ibbe
Geri loabi
Aneh loabi
Haifa & Shiuz
Tisdhathi Kamanaa
Unoosha & Haisham
Kalhu Andhiri
Mako,Nimal &Altho
Rakis bon'du
Muadh,Haisham & Shiuz
Amir (Hiyani Band)