Dinba Music 6th Album Zara’s second solo album “ Nacharangee “ was released in 2011 at Sultan Park.Dinba music thanks to Adhuham, Afu, Faya, Rappey, Yaathi, Zara, Ibbe. Haisham, Thothi,and all the staff ’s in Ahmed Fahudh studio.Special thanks to Lecute Maji , Midday (sound & Lights ) , Mifu, Ali ( Domus ), Wataniya, TVM & Nihi.
A part of the Copyrights – song ” Naacharangee ” lyrics by jeymu dhonkamana
Album Cover art by Afu
Song Naacharangee : Music compose by ishaantay & faya , Drums & brass ishaantay & Faya ,Rhythm Guitar, lead, bass, keys by faya, Percussion by haisham Vocals Zara & Haisham, ( Part of its lyrics by jeymu dhonkamana )
Song Kaafage shahkubali : Music compose by ishaantay , Drums, keys by faya , Rhythm & lead & Bass by ishaantay vocals by Zara & Nilaysha
Song Geydhosu kuhjaa : Music compose by ishaantay & Raape, intro guitar by ishaantay , keys ,Bass ,Rhythm, lead & live drums by Rappe, Vocals by Zara, Raape & Haisham
Song Koveli : Music compose by Faya & song melody by ishaantay, Drums, keys,Rhythm & key solo & Bass by Faya & Vocals by Zara
Song Soadhubeyge bodu soabu : Music compose by Ishaantay , intro guitar & riff by ishaantay , keys ,Bass , Rhythm, lead & live drums by Rappe, Vocals by Zara, Raape & Thothi
Song Rehkabeyge bodukaashi : Music compose by ishaantay, Drums, keys ishaantay , Bass ishaantay & yami , Guitars by Faya & Vocasl by Zara & Affan
Song Kandulabari : Music compose by ishaantay & Ibbe , Drums ishaantay & Ibbe , keys, solo ,Rhythm by ibbe, Lead guitar by Yaathi , Vocal by Zara & Haisham
All the Music arrangement & songs lyrics by ishaantay & Songs were recorded in Dinba music home studio in G. Kasmeeruge, Ahmed fahudh studio & Faya home studio. ( koveli Music arrangement by Faya ), Soadhubeyge bodu soabu & Geydhosu kuhjaa recorded by Rappey’s home studio and Geydhosu kuhjaa ” Starting from live drums & music part compose by Rappey.
Produce by ishaantay , Faya , Raape & ibbe
Rehkabeyge Bodukaashi
Kaafage shahku bali
Geydhashu Kuhjjaa
Soadhubeyge Bodu Soabu
